Schools in Gurgaon

It’s a sad reality that student life has become largely about chasing grades. This is not to say that the academic performance of students is 
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Children are natural explorers. On the one hand, this means that they get to explore several avenues, but on the other, their interests could be 
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Most parents assume they know their kids really well and know about parent child conversations. And this is because parents are always closest to the 
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The flu season tends to be the most worrisome period for parents out there, especially as they try to ensure their kid’s health and well-being 
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For a vast majority of children the opportunity to be involved in sporting activities as well as athletic experiences is an experience that they relish. 
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Dealing with exam stress is not easy, especially for young students. It’s a nerve-racking experience for them. But fortunately, there are some ways to reduce 
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Angry Birds, Minecraft, PUBG…..speak to any child and these names are likely to bring a wide smile to their faces. Video games for kids have 
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These days many activities are being conducted online because of how convenient it is. This also includes education. Mobile phones for students have become an 
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There is nothing quite as appealing as curling up on a couch with your favorite book in hand. If that isn’t a good enough reason 
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July 2024