Co-Scholastic activities

Traditionally, we think of education as academic knowledge that is amassed from books. Therefore, aspects such as drama, art, sports, and more are often referred 
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“Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child.” Ask any parent, and they will likely agree with the above maxim. It 
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Are you getting your child ready for a speech and in need of captivating topics that will engage them in both formal and informal settings? 
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The importance of education in fostering holistic student development cannot be overstated. Education extends beyond merely accumulating academic knowledge, rote memorization, and regurgitation during examinations. 
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Today, almost every parent is searching for a holistic education institute to develop their children. Therefore, Pragyanam, the best CBSE school in Gurgaon, takes up 
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Look around for people who you think are successful in life and you will notice that they may or may not have been academically brilliant 
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While as adults we are extremely focused on academics & the fact that our children should build great careers for themselves, the focus may not 
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Come end of the school year & excitement levels run high. Students want a much-deserved break from their studies. However, give a few days of 
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The school curriculum is today designed to teach much more than what comes under the ambit of traditional subjects alone. Progressive schools recognize the importance 
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July 2024