Social Skills

Contemplating the wisdom of enrolling your child in a co-educational environment? Explore this blog to find comprehensive answers. You’ll realize that co-educational institutions significantly shape 
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In today’s era, where children are exposed to a multitude of issues, often ahead of schedule, parental concerns about their moral development are only natural. 
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“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand if you don’t have self-awareness if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions if you can’t 
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In today’s VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous), children must acquire essential life skills for successful navigation. This highlights the importance of not solely 
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Odds are that when the stresses of life engulf you, you turn to your hobbies. Not only do your hobbies rejuvenate you, but they also 
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When it comes to classrooms, the one thing that they cannot be is boring! Fun activity ideas, therefore, are much needed not only to take 
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All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits” – William James The importance of good habits cannot 
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It is said that there are only two lasting things we can give to our children- roots & wings. Roots so that they are firmly 
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Today we live in a world that actually runs on skills, you know. It’s not just about education anymore; to match up with the competition 
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The moment we hear the word leadership, all the great people we admire in our life or look forward to come straight to our minds. 
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July 2024