The Importance Of Discipline In The Lives Of Students

We live in times of great distraction and extremely limited attention spans. As a result, students need a lot more willpower to remain focused on their goals. In times such as these, it will be especially worthwhile to look at the importance of discipline.

What Really is Discipline?

While we all emphasize its importance, it is a good starting point to examine what discipline really means. The word ‘discipline’ comes from the Latin word ‘disciplina,’ meaning ‘instruction and training.’ In turn, it is derived from the root word ‘discere’—’to learn’. Discipline, therefore, involves training, learning, and applying a system of standards.

Contrary to the popular belief that discipline involves enforcement or forced compliance, it isn’t something that others do to you; it is something that you follow yourself. Simply put, the source of discipline needs to be internal and not external. It is when you see discipline as a choice that you realize that, by being disciplined, you are the one who is in control. Importantly, discipline helps you create healthy habits, and in turn, it is these habits that make you a better person.

Why is Discipline Important for Students?

Simply put, discipline helps students train their minds and bodies and helps them focus on their goals. Let us look at the various ways in which discipline comes to the aid of students:

1. Academic Life

When it comes to the academic life of students, the importance of regularity or routine cannot be overstated. It is when the student puts in regular hours of study and undertakes enough practice that he can hope to achieve mastery in his or her subjects. It is through a sense of discipline that students can focus on important areas and go on to achieve academic success.

Discipline also helps with improved time management. With a strong sense of discipline, students know better than to waste precious hours glued to a screen, for instance. Instead, they not only create a healthy, balanced schedule but also stick to it.

2. Long term goals

In times of instant gratification, when everything is available at the click of a button, it is only through a disciplined life that students can reject instant pleasure and gratification in favor of achieving long-term goals. Discipline offers the strength not to give in to temptations or negative feelings and to remain focused on one’s long-term plans and goals.

3. Healthy and active

With discipline, students learn not to give in to excesses and thus live a healthy and active life. Regular efforts to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health help them grow into well-rounded individuals.

4. Self Control

A very important aspect that a student learns through discipline is self-control. It not only helps the student in every aspect of his or her life but also forms the bedrock on which a stable society is based. When individuals do not give in to excesses, society can remain harmonious.

5. Remain stress-free

It stands to reason that when a student follows through on their activities, academic or otherwise, they remain on top of their game. What it also does is help keep stress levels at bay. Discipline is thus an extremely important ingredient of improved mental health, a challenge we, as a society, seem to be struggling with. What discipline also enables children to do is develop a positive approach towards life. In turn, discipline and a positive approach help them reap great benefits in all aspects of life, be it academics, career, relationships, and more. With the importance of discipline well established, it will be worthwhile to look at what students can do to inculcate this sense of self-discipline.

6. Eliminate Distractions

The impact of surroundings on our productivity cannot be overstated. Therefore, students need to invest time and energy in ensuring that their environment is conducive to studying. This involves paying attention to details such as maintaining a clutter-free worktable, ensuring that phones are on focus mode during study sessions to avoid social media distractions, and more. The study table should also be placed in a secluded area free from distractions, such as noise from the television.

7. Avoid Multitasking

In an environment where multitasking has been glorified, it is important to realize that it comes with its own set of disadvantages. Not only does it diminish productivity, but it also impacts focus, increases stress levels, and more. Therefore, students must invest time and energy in focusing on individual tasks, thereby improving the quality of their work, enhancing concentration, and more.

8. Build the Right Mindset

It is imperative for students to focus on cultivating a growth mindset. Unlike a fixed mindset, a growth mindset believes that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. By embracing imperfections and reframing all challenges as opportunities, students can build a growth mindset that can go a long way in ensuring success.

9. Follow Schedules

Finally, it will help students to follow schedules, learn to prioritize tasks, remain punctual, and avoid procrastination. When they practice everyday diligence, discipline becomes a way of life for them.

To Sum up

Discipline plays an extremely important role in a student’s life. In fact, a sense of discipline, when inculcated early, is likely to benefit the student throughout life. It can significantly enhance not only the individual’s quality of life but also contribute to the well-being of the family unit and society at large.

It’s crucial to remember that ensuring discipline is not a one-day affair. As parents, teachers, and mentors, we need to continuously encourage students to stay on the path. It’s also important to acknowledge that staying disciplined requires tremendous strength and courage, so showing appreciation for their efforts is essential.

At Pragyanam, one of the best CBSE schools in Gurgaon, we place a lot of importance on discipline. However, instead of taking a punitive approach, our focus is on providing the necessary scaffolding and guidance that empowers the child to make the right decisions towards self-discipline. In fact, at Pragyanam, we follow a life skills-based curriculum that not only prepares students academically but also equips them for life itself

January 2024